Today was my last day, for awhile, with my personal trainer, Beth Sweeney. And for the first time, I biked from Rockridge to Lake Merritt, and back, up steep hills, and in the rain. Whew!
(photo by http://www.flickr.com/photos/bgreenlee/)Working with Beth Sweeney got me thinking about everything in the recent past that helped me get to where I am today: training for a sprint tri.
I've been working with Beth Sweeney since last September. I love her enthusiasm, encouragement, understanding, and vast knowledge. We worked together in five-week blocks, meeting once a week. I wanted to improve my overall strenth, so we did a lot of core work. I learned what that was all about! She was gentle and at the same time pushed me to my max.
I've been walking the Lake--Lake Merritt, one of the most beautiful parts of Oakland--for about two years now. I can now walk the whole lake, nearly four miles, in a little over an hour. I love kickboxing at
Mr. Pitt's Martial Arts Academy. I do that once a week, and have been there for the last year and a half. If I don't go to hit or kick something, the rest of my week is not quite right. And I joined a gym last summer, Courthouse Athletic Club, where I use the weights, treadmill, spin bikes, and pool.
The last element that has helped me get to where I am now is Weight Watchers. I joined about two years ago, lost nearly twenty pounds, and learned a lot about good eating and thinking habits. What they taught was a lifestyle change. Everyone there, the group leaders and the other participants, were always very encouraging. After the fourth week, they give you small steps on how to start physical activity. Those tips, arms one week, stomach the next, then legs, all were very helpful in giving me goals and guidelines.