Wednesday, February 07, 2007

First Swim Workout of the Season


It was great to be in the pool again. The coaches wanted us to take it easy, to take long pauses between laps. But i didn't want to. I wanted to be a fish! So I was. I'm still having goggle problems; my left eye piece leaks, but I can manage it.

Stats I swam 22 lengths last night. One length of the pool = 25 yards, so I swam 550 yards. The race length will be about 1238 yards, or 3/4 mile, or 50 lengths.

Lap = 2 lengths, or 50 yards

Our first track workout is this Thursday. I look forward to testing myself against the track, but not to the standing around that always accompanies the first time out. It's alright. I'll make sure I get a neighborhood walk/jog in the morning.

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