Sunday, March 12, 2006

The Stress of Training

Stress wasn't something I anticipated. Simple routine work tasks suddenly pissed me off. An ongoing long-term project suddenly seemed not important (my novel), and I was short-tempered. Me? I'm usually a calm person, but something was changing in me. A very level-headed friend of mine, Alexis, pointed out that we all have a maximum carrying capacity, and I'd reached mine.

Training three days a week with the Tri Training group and then a few additional days on my own was maxing me out. Training takes a focus and intensity that is quite different from just working out on a regular basis. The focus is now on improving your abilities and technique each time you go out, not to mention improving your time, eventually. The intensity bumps up because there's constant learning and monitoring. Whew! No wonder I've been more tired and irritable than usual!

So, I've taken some steps to reduce stress. Reduced hours at work, a relaxed attitude about my book and a reminder to be gentle to myself at all times.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Beth,
Hang in there.